Final Project

Julia May
1 min readMay 4, 2021


For my final project, I decided to make a collection of memes to represent some of the concepts we have discussed in this class throughout the semester. When I was thinking about what I wanted to do for my final project, I knew I wanted to focus on some of the more dangerous aspects of technology because I feel like as a society we oftentimes disregard those dangers. I had originally thought about creating a sort of word cloud, but I wanted to do something a little more fun and modern, and I figured what better way to express these concepts than in memes! I decided I wanted each meme to represent a different smaller danger of the internet and have them all kind of tie together into the main issue of a lack of true privacy. My first meme is about Terms and Conditions and how rarely people read all the way through them, even though you’re allowing sites to access your data and use it. My second meme relates to Facebook ads specifically and how they have used data on their users for ads that allow them to make a profit. The final meme I made is kind of a culmination meme that relates to the fact that we all know that the internet is dangerous and have access to that information, yet we rely so much on technology that it’s difficult to find a true balance.



Julia May

Sophomore, CDS and Spanish major, Member of the UMW Swim Team, Steelers Fan for Life