What is the Internet?

Julia May
2 min readFeb 28, 2021
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

The internet is a giant virtual system of information that delivers answers and communicates messages to people at quick speeds. It exists on electronics that are connected to different data centers around the world, with many of them being located in the United States! The internet is NOT the web, though the web is accessed through the internet. While the internet isn’t actually “alive” people can add things to a variety of sites that makes it feel like an almost tangible being. As much as we control the internet, though, it also controls us. Since the internet is still relatively new, there is still much research to be done on the effects of social media and online learning and how technology affects and even changes our thought process. This to me is the scariest thing about the internet because we rely so heavily on it every single day, yet are learning the effects of it at the same present time.

Through some of the readings and movies in this course thus far, I have come to find that there is, even more, to be concerned about with technology. I think one of the most concerning things is how much social media feeds and ads are catered to our individual likes and dislikes. These corporations are then making money off of us through ads and possibly even distorting our views. Furthermore, through social media and other apps we as consumers are agreeing to terms and services that we don’t even fully understand and acknowledge, and are giving these corporations access to our personal information.

While there are some scary things about the internet, one of the things I love the most is how it has allowed me to stay in contact easily with friends and family both during this pandemic and before. The internet allows for a different kind of new communication through social media where you can send memes and posts to friends through DM’S.



Julia May

Sophomore, CDS and Spanish major, Member of the UMW Swim Team, Steelers Fan for Life